
Fungsi universalMDMclient
Fungsi universalMDMclient

Fungsi universalMDMclient Fungsi universalMDMclient

If you determine that there is no actionable information in the encryption report to understand why BitLocker was not enabled, the next step is to access an affected device and gather the required data to complete the investigation. You can check out Intune troubleshooting tips or follow guidelines from a Windows perspective to help isolate issues when enabling BitLocker using Intune. There is already extensive documentation available for troubleshooting BitLocker encryption policies. The encryption report identifies common troubleshooting scenarios that are documented in the BitLocker configuration service provider (CSP) status node. However, some status scenarios might not be reported and you will need access to the device to investigate further.

Fungsi universalMDMclient

  • BitLocker encryption is initiated on the drives.
  • The BitLocker MDM policy Refresh scheduled task runs on the device that replicates the BitLocker policy settings to full volume encryption (FVE) registry key.
  • A Windows 10 Mobile Device Management (MDM) client syncs with the Intune service and processes the BitLocker policy settings.
  • The policy is saved to a tenant in the Intune service.
  • Fungsi universalMDMclient

    An administrator configures a BitLocker policy configured through Endpoint security > Disk encryption with the desired settings and targets a user group or device group.The following steps describe the flow of events that should result in a successful encryption of a Windows 10 device that has not been previously encrypted with BitLocker: This is the third blog in our series on using BitLocker with Microsoft Endpoint Manager - Microsoft Intune. In the last post, we described how to effectively troubleshoot common scenarios using the Microsoft encryption report in the Microsoft Endpoint Manager admin center. Now we’ll look at common issues, the logs and data you need to collect, and the steps you can take to troubleshoot BitLocker encryption on the client side. By Luke Ramsdale – Service Engineer | Microsoft Endpoint Manager – Intune

    Fungsi universalMDMclient